Apply Community Certificate for all Caste in Tamil Nadu | Caste Certificate for Status Check | Community Certificate for OC/BC/MBC/SC/ST
Tamil Nadu E-governance provides lots of services to the public. TNeSevai is an initiative by the TN E-Governance Agency this portal enables the operators of the Public Service Center to access the e-services provided by the government departments.
The Government of Tamil Nadu has launched the “e-Service” (TN Government e-Service) Center in every district to make it easier for the people to get the caste certificate. These centers are functioning as District Collector’s Offices, Tasildar Offices and “e-Service Centers” of the Government of Tamil Nadu in every important part of the district. People can easily get “caste certificate” by accessing this e-service center.
Community Certificate for Schools Students in TN: Many parents are searching in google to know how to apply for a community certificate for my child. A caste certificate is required when enrolling every child in school and receiving government benefits. In this post, we will provide complete information about getting certificate needs.
There are 2 different ways available to apply for a community certificate.
- Offline Method (Applicant needs to apply manual)
- Online Mode with TNeGA Portal
Apply for Community Certificate in Tamil Nadu (Offline Method)
Step 1: Download Application form for Community Certificate (93.1 kb) available in PDF Format. Take printout copy and fill the application form with all mandatory fields.
Required Documents (copy to be enclosed)
The following documents are mandatory candidates must attach all xerox copies of the following documents along with your application before submitting it to the taluk office.
- Ration Card
- School Leaving Certificate
- Transfer Certificate
- Community Certificate of Parents (or) School Certificate of Parents
Step 2: After filling the form you want to submit the filled application along with the above-mentioned documents xerox copies to your respective revenue talk office. Once your application gets accepted by the officers you may get your Community certificate within 30 days.
How to Apply Community Certificate through Online Mode:
Do you know you can apply for Community and Income, Birth, Death Certificate through online mode itself with help of TNeGA Portal there 60+ Government Certificates can be included with this portal.
Using the following steps applicants can be easily applied for Community Certificate for any caste in Tamil Nadu. So Keep read it carefully and get your process done within a minute.
Let’s read the following simple steps,
Step 1: Creating Login at TNeSevai Website
Visit – To Create an Account click “New User Sign Up here” Link under Login Form.

Step 2: Creating CAN Number in TNeGA.
What is CAN Number?
CAN number means Citizen Account Number which used to perform all government-related eServices get done in TamilNadu. CAN contains complete information about the individual applicant.
How to Create a CAN Number TNeGA?
CAN Number can be created during any certificate registration process. Applicants need to fill all information that will make to really simple to get any government certificates online which is a must for all applicants.
- Login to account > Click Services Option in Sidebar.
- Services > Department Wise > Revenue Department > REV-101 Community Certificate > Click “Register CAN” button.

- Now CAN Registration will be open then fill all information and verify with OTP to complete the registration.
Step 3: Fill the Online Community Certificate Form
- Login to account > Click “Services” Option in Sidebar.

- Department Wise > Revenue Department > REV-101 Community Certificate > Service Instructions page > Click “Proceed” button.

Now we need to select the applicant with the help CAN which already created with a mobile number so enter the mobile number and click the “Search” button and select the applicant name with CAN No.

Note: You can able to create multiple CAN Number for your family member to get various certificate needs.
- After Selecting the applicant details the next step will be to Generate OTP and Verify with OTP.
- After Confirmed with OTP Press the “Proceed” button to fill the Community Certificate Form.

- In Application, all data are pre-filled using the CAN Registration Details. So the applicant just needs to fill the Form Details section information only.
Step 4: Uploading documents for community certificate.

Document Upload Section
- Photo
- Any Address Proof
- Community Certificate of Father community certificate or Community certificate of siblings.
- Self Declaration form of Applicant. (Download and take a printout copy and put sign and scan document & upload it)
- The following file format can be used (JPG, PDF, GIF, PNG).
- Once you uploaded all scanned documents the next step will be making a payment.
Step 5: Now click “Make Payment” Button.
- Payment Charges: Rs. 60/-
- Applicants can use their (Credit Card, Debit Card, Internet Banking) option to make a payment.

After completing payment. A short message will be sent to the concerned applicant after applying through the website. It will have “Acknowledgment No” for applying for a caste certificate. The e-Service Center Officer will also issue an “Acknowledgment Receipt” to the concerned applicant.
Community Certificate Status Check in Tamil Nadu:
Then type “Acknowledgment No” to “155250” and send an SMS to know the status of the certificate applied for. There is no charge for sending this SMS once. We have to pay Rs. 1 to the telecom companies for each SMS sent more than once.
Note: It is well known that the Government of Tamil Nadu has ordered that the “Caste Certificate” issued by the Government of Tamil Nadu by applying on the website should go to all Government and Private Offices.
Frequently asked questions:
How to Get a Community Certificate for my child?
If your child completed the 3 years old you can directly approach the respective village administrative Officier or go to the nearby Esevai office and submit all necessary documents and apply online for a separate certificate for your child.
how to do sign for applying 4 year old to get community certificate in online(Regarding self declaration)
For self-declaration sign just write a kid name and proceed. Make sure other documents are valid (photo, address proof, father community certificate) are more important for verification.
Hope you understand.
Am I applying community certificate for my 3 years old kid? Who’s name has to register in CAN application form either mine or my kid’s?
Dear Sabari, You can able to create a separate CAN for your kid.
I son do not have Aadhar till now. How to get CAN number for him without Aadhar? Can i apply for him with my CAN number? Plz confirm
Sir you can able to create multiple CAN for your family members through your account? If you face any issues kindly contact near by eSevai Office.
Can we apply community certificate for 1 year baby / is there any minimum age limit for community certificate application.
For 1 year kid you can not able get community certificate and that’s not a mandatory one until your kid will start Pre KG/LKG/UKG, schooling.
My kid is 3 years old and don’t have Aadhar card for him. Whether CAN number should be registered on his name or we can use our name? It is showing as Aadhar card is mandatory document for CAN registration.
When your kid complete 3 years means you can apply for separate aadhar card. It will take maximum 7 to 10 days to receive. After that apply for a community certificate with CAN Details with your own account.
Hi sir , I have applied community certificate for my daughter and age is complete 3 years after June 2023 only got any issue to get certificate?
No issues sir kindly proceed. you will get it immediately.
How many days will it take to get my community certificate?
It will take a maximum 7 to 14 days madam.
Why community certificates for OC are not available online
As per the TN Revenue Department the following categories of certificate only available right now.
1. SC/ST – Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe
2. Other Backward Classes includes (MBC/BC)
st community not available
Hi viswa,
Kindly check with the portal again. Hope it’s available.
Else if you found any issues with online portal kindly check with nearby Tahsildar office eSevai centre along with required documents.
Where can we download the self declaration form ?
It was automatically generated while you completing the CAN Registration for any certificate in tnesevai portal. It contains your details such as name, address, etc… Once it generated just download the self-declaration form and put the sign and scan the signed document then upload it to documents.
If you face any trouble please watch this video about self declaration in tnesevai
I and my husband are from different caste. My husband doesn’t have a community certificate, he has only his school transfer certificate. What to do? Please help me out.
Transfer certificate is enough to apply for the community certificate. If you face any issues with the online method you may contact your respective village administrative officer or taluk office.
Iam oc community and there is no caste options available there , it states not applicable.
what can i do?
Hi, Swathi Currently in Tamil there was only three categories of Community Certificate has been available (SC/ST, MBC & BC considered as OBC – Other Backward Class). So specifically there is no option for OC Category Community Certificate. If you want to know more about this we request to u kindly contact your near by Taluk Office. Thanks.
hello sir,i applied for community certificate but the application returned to citizen in remarks they asked for self declaration form i attached signature for that so the application returned to me how to download the self declaration form for already submited application form.
Hi Ramya, Just check the image
1. Download the self-declaration form
2. Then put your signature then scan the signed document.
3. Upload the scanned document and make payment.
For applying kid community certificate should I upload my son pic for photo?
No Poornima. Photo not required.
I m applying community certificate for my 3year old daughter how to sign self Declaration form
Sir , I am about to apply community certificate for my 4 year old son . We are intercaste marriage , we both have decided to use mother caste for community certificate . Will there be any challenges while applying through online
It will not be an issue. You just specify the details of the caste in the section “Requested Caste” and attach CC and other documents of the mother.
Team, you are doing wonderful job. Thanks for your great support
in the self declaration form the name in tamil is misspelt but the English one is correct. what to do in this case